
Showing posts from May, 2022


  Evaluation Interpretation of the Brief: For the interpretation of the brief, I wrote about who is the client and what are their main objectives. I also mentioned client's foundation, stakeholders, and selected locations of the client for their customers to visit and explore around. As for the audience, I mentioned the age group which is between 16-25 years of age and any audience can be from any backgrounds, cultures, genders and religion; and their aim is to explore Sunderland. The requirements of the client was to make a documentary or a print advert, I choose print adverts because print adverts are a lot easier to make than a documentary in my opinion and my idea is to make three print adverts for the client so they can promote their organisation and attract visitors to come and visit Sunderland. Location Scouting: I had to pick three to four locations of potential locations so I could go to one of those places and take photos for my print advert. The four places that I choose...

Final Product & Feedback

Final Product & Feedback The feedback that I received are constructive and helpful. The first question was which one of the drafts is better because I made three drafts of my final product until I found the one that I liked the most, and majority picked advert 1 to be the better one out of the three. I have to disagree because the last draft has a lot a more in terms of title, slogan, client's logo etc. The next question was 'what do you like about the advert?' the answers were mainly about the placing of texts and social media logos and the client's logo, I do agree with these responses because the print adverts got better when I put them on my advert and makes it more eye-catching to potential visitors who might be interested visiting Sunderland. The final question from this forum is 'what changes would you make?' and the responses are mixed, some said to make the bar code smaller, changing the font, and no changes at all; personally I think that my final ...

Production and Post-Production Diary

 Production Diary 30/09/2021: One of the first things when starting with this project is the client research. The client is called Sunderland Culture which is an organisation to improve or change the people's perspectives about Sunderland in general and I also had to research about the history of the client which it started in 2016 as partnership set up by Sunderland City Council. One of the things that I had to research about is the target audience and the audience are ages between 16-25 and any race, colour, and religion, the aim is to change people's perspective about the city by showing them what is considered the most popular places in Sunderland. 05/01/2022: The next thing that I had to do after client research is location scouting which is where I pick the places that could be one of my background or main image of my print advert and explain the possible disadvantages when going to these places, the first one that I choose is the city centre because people go there for s...